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Tektronix 7a11 sm free download

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1 ST FZ U CTI VAL . Serial N u mber 7A11 A MPL I F I ER Tek tr onix, Inc . S. W . M illi k an W ay " . . Box 500 " B eaverton, Oregon 97005 " Ph one 644-0161 " Cables : Te k tro n ix 1 269 070-0984-00 WARRANTY All Tektronix instruments are warranted against defective materials and workman- ship for one year . Tektronix transformers, manufactured in our plant, are warranted for the life of the instrument . Any questions with respect to the war- ranty mentioned above should be taken up with your Tektronix Field Engineer . Tektronix repair and replacement-part service is geared directly to the field, therefore all requests for repairs and re- placement parts should be directed to the Tektronix Field Office or representative in your area . This procedure will assure you the fastest possible service . Please include the instrument Type and Serial or Model Number with all requests for parts or service . Specifications and price change privi- leges reserved : Copyright ' 1969 by Tektronix, Inc ., Beaverton, Oregon . Printed in the United States of America . All rights reserved . Contents of this publication may not be reproduced in any form without permis- sion of the copyright owner. TA BLE OF CO N TEN TS S E CTIO N 1 S PE CI F ICATIO N Introduction 1-1 E lectrical Deflection Facto r 1-1 Gain 1-1 Freq uency Response 1-1 Maximum Input V oltage 1-2 Input R and C 1-2 Maximum Gate Current 1-2 Noise 1-2 DC Drift 1-2 Drift With Ambient Temperature 1-2 Trace ID EN TI F Y 1-2 OFFSE T Range 1-2 OFF S E T OU T 1-2 50 Termination/Adapter 1-3 Environmental Probe 1-3 Temperature 1-3 Altitude 1-3 Vibration 1-3 Sh oc k 1-5 Plug-in Altitude 1-5 Ph ysical Finis h 1-5 Dimension 1-5

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